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Hide inactive | Total Bans: 2
MOD/Country Date Player Admin Length
MOD RU 2024-07-19 17:16:10 moki The One Of Wonders Permanent
  • Player moki
  • Steam ID STEAM_0:1:782289527
  • Steam3 ID [U:1:1564579055]
  • Steam Community 76561199524844783
  • Invoked on 2024-07-19 17:16:10
  • Ban length Permanent
  • Expires on Not applicable
  • Reason Folks really need to learn to stop trying to circumvent the N word filter..
  • Banned by Admin The One Of Wonders
  • Total Bans 2 (search)
  • Banned from Web Ban
  • Blocked (12) moki, moki, moki, moki, moki, moki, moki, moki, moki, moki, moki, moki


MOD RU 2023-10-21 21:44:00 moki CONSOLE 1 d (Expired)
  • Player moki
  • Steam ID STEAM_0:1:782289527
  • Steam3 ID [U:1:1564579055]
  • Steam Community 76561199524844783
  • Invoked on 2023-10-21 21:44:00
  • Ban length 1 d (Expired)
  • Unban reason No reason present
  • Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
  • Expires on 2023-10-22 21:44:00
  • Reason Breaking chat rules
  • Banned by Admin CONSOLE
  • Total Bans 2 (search)
  • Banned from Please Wait...
  • Blocked (2) moki, moki

